Ja mislim da ništa nije
slučajno. Sinhroniciteti su ipak vrlo pažljivo orkestrirani od strane
Univerzum će iskoristiti
svaku priliku i sredstvo da komunicira sa nama i od naše otvorenosti zavisi da
li ćemo uspeti da razumemo sve što nam se poručuje!
I to se meni juče desilo.
Na fejsbooku! Pa neka neko kaže posle da je to uzalud potrošeno vreme,haha.
U isto vreme dobila sam preporuku
za vežbe sa jednog kraja sveta,by Nino, koji se potrudio da meni i svim damama napiše odličan tekst na tu
temu: http://kaonapokretnojtraci.blogspot.com/2014/12/vjezbe-za-kexy-tijelo-for-zene-by-nino.html,
a izazov mi je poslat sa drugog kraja sveta i sastojao se u tome da jednu
nedelju kažem “NE“ slatkišima
i krenem sa vežbama svaki dan.
je to posle objavio i svetu: “Nope, not me,
but @Bibiliemili has
accepted the challenge to say "Nah" to sweets and instead do some
exercise, for a whole week! How amazing is that :-)”, Write a short message each day on how it went, so
everybody can follow it and be inspired , Armando Lüscher
isto vreme, ljudi. To je bio ZNAK!
I Ja,
jedna sportska lenština i ljubitelj slatkiša, rekla sam DA izazovu!
krenula sam danas! I uspela sam, jupi ja!
priznajem, krizirala sam, haha, jer tako
volim da ostavim najslađe za kraj i pojedem slatkiš posle ručka. Uvek sam to
volela. Kod nas se kaže, kao šlag na tortu!
Volim to i dalje!
glas razuma,koji nije bio u mojoj glavi, vec se prikazao kroz reči mojih fejs
prijatelja, napred navedenih, haha, rekao
mi je YOU CAN DO IT!
bilo slatkiša ( kafu sa aromom čokolade ne računam hihi ) a sad me čeka fitnes orbitrek.
imam kod kuće, al je do sada uglavnom samo krasio dnevnu sobu. Idem...jedan,
dva, bar petnaest minuta!
me luck i sledećih 6 dana
ko je spreman da prihvati izazov? :-)
Day 1: Challenge accepted! Week of change!
I think that nothing is accidental. Synchronicities are
still very carefully orchestrated by the Universe.
The universe will take advantage of every opportunity and
the means to communicate with us and of our openness depends on whether we will
be able to understand all we can say!
And it happened to me yesterday. On facebook! So, is it
wasted time to be on social network, haha.
At the same time I got a recommendation for exercise from
one end of the world, by Nino, who has made an effort for me and all the ladies
to write an excellent article on the subject:
Body-for-women-by-nino.html, and the challenge was sent to me from another part
of the world and consisted in the fact that for one week I have to say "NO" to sweets and go with the exercises every day.
The challenger published itworldwide, "Nope, not me,
butBibiliemili has accepted the challenge to say" nah "to sweets and
instead do some exercise, for a whole week! How amazing is that:-)
"Armando Lüscher
At the same time, people. It was a sign!
And I, so lazy for sport and a candy fan, said YES the
challenge! I've started today! And I did it, yippie! I admit, it was critical,
haha, because I love to take sweets after lunch. To save the best for last ;-).
I've always loved it. Still do!
But the voice of reason, which was not in my head, but on
display in chat with my friends, mentioned above, told me YOU CAN DO IT! And I
There was no candy (coffee flavored with chocolate does not
count hihi) and now I am preparing for fitness orbitrek. I have it at my home,
but so far not used that much . I'm starting... one, two, three, at least for
fifteen minutes! Wish me luck in the next 6 days :-)
Who is with me?
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