Danas se navršava moja nedelja promene, nedelje
prihvaćenog izazova da ubacim u svoj život više vežbi a manje slatkiša ,
tj bez slatkiša uopšte :-)
I uspela sam! Nisam verovala da ću uspeti, ali sam rešila,
pokrenula se i na tome radila! Ponekad je raditi na željenom cilju važnije od
početne vere i samopouzdanja. A samopozdanje je svakako raslo iz dana u
dan! Sad je deo nove mene, haha.
Šalu na stranu, sada znam da mogu i ono što
mislim da neću moći, ako odlučim, sa jasnom namerom i bez suvišnog
opterećenja i sumnji. Samo KRENEM KA ONOME ŠTO HOĆU, ŽELIM, VOLIM!!
Ono što se čini kao velika stvar na početku, ono što
menjamo ili pokrećemo, to vremenom postane za nas normalno i uobičajeno
tj sastavni deo nas.
Zato sam ja vežbala! Ne preterano, možda ne i
dovoljno, ali mnogo više nego pre nedelje promene.
I nastaviću.
Ono što me posebno raduje je to da su me u vežbanju sledila
moja deca i muž. Naše ( roditeljsko) ponašanje i životni stil su najbolji
primer za uticaj na okolinu / decu! Trudim se i trudiću se da uvek bude pozitivan i
U zdravom telu, zdrav duh! I on se osnažio tokom ove
nedelje, da nije zbog nedostatka slatkiša?? Hahaha :-)
Nije zbog slatkiša, naravno. Raditi na sebi za mene je
zadovoljstvo i ja sam zahvalna Univerzumu koji mi je pokucao na vrata preko
mojih prijatelja, Nina i Armanda. Srećom, imala sam dovoljno otvorenu dušu da to
čujem i tako nastavim na malo drugačiji način da radim na tome da budem još
bolja verzija sebe!
Srećna sam! Divno se osećam i želim to sa vama da podelim!
Možda vas i inspirišem da krenete i vi ka nečemu novom i lepom!

Vaša Biljana, Transurfing Balkanka
Ps. I poslednje večeri izazova, moja ćerka je poželela da
prvi put napravi palačinke.
Šta mislite, da li sam odolela izazovu? :-)
I did it!
Today ends my Week of change, Week of accepted challenge I decided to put into my life: more exercise and fewer sweets, ie
without sweets in general :-)
And I did it! I did not believe I would, but I decided, initiated
and worked on it! Sometimes to work on the desired goal is more important than to
have the initial faith and confidence. Self-esteem was growing from day to day!
It is now part of the new me, haha.
All kidding aside, I know now that I can do
the things I thought I will not be able to.
If I choose, with clear intention, and
without the suspicions, I will get I want
and love !! What seems like a big deal at first, what we are changing,
launching, it eventually becomes or us normal, customary for us, like an
integral part.
So I exercised! Not much, maybe not enough, but much more
than before this week of change. And I will continue.
What I am particularly pleased is that in the training I
was followed by my kids and a husband. Our behavior and lifestyle is the best
example of the impact on the environment! I am trying and I will try to be
always positive and inspiring person!
In a healthy body, healthy mind! My mind was strengthened
during this week, maybe because of lack of candy ?? Hahaha...
It is not because of candies, of course. Working on myself is
a pleasure to me and I am grateful because
Universe knocked on mydoor, through my
friends, Nino and Armando, and I had open heart sufficiently to hear that and so I will
continue to work on it to be even better version of myrself!
I'm happy! I feel wonderful and I want to share this with
you! Maybe I will inspire you to search and do something new and beautiful!
Yours Biljana, Transurfing Balkanka
What do you think, did I resist the challenge?
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