Volim vikende. Tad se mogu više posvetiti sebi i onima koje najviše volim.
A što je tek neobično kad taj vikend padne na pola nedelje promene, a da ja nisam prekršila nijedno pravilo, nego sam vežbala tri puta duže nego prethodnih dana, i uspela bez slatkiša! Divno
I tako...probudim se u subotu okupana suncem, fantastično raspolozena, puna samopouzdanja, plus 1kg manje - pokaže vaga!!! Jupi ја. Kad vam tako počne dan, sa osmehom na licu i u srcu , tako se dan i nastavi...pa i sledeći..pa sledeći.. Sve je stvar fokusa:-)
Mi sami biramo po čijoj ćemo muzici da igramo. I možemo se voleti i kad nismo iste vrste ( ovo je citat iz crtaća koji smo danas pogledali, nema veze s postom haha - Meda Paddington, prepоručujem).
Ja sam bila sportska lenština, ni sad nisam neka vrednica, ali u odnosu na mene pre ovde nedelje izazova – ovo sam druga ja! :-)
I love weekends. Then I can focus more to myself and those I love the most.
It is unusual when the weekend comes in the week of changes, and I did not violated any rules, trained three times longer than in previous days, and that no candy! delightfully
And so ... I wake up on Saturday bathed in sunshine, fantastic mood, full of confidence, plus 1kg less - shows the scale !!! Yay me. When my morning begin with a smile on my face and in my heart, day continues to be the same... and the next.. next .. Everything is a matter of our focus:-)
We choose to whose music we will dance. And we can love each other even thought we arenot the same species (this is a quote from the movie that we looked today, nothing to do with this post hahah - Paddington Bear, I recommend ).
I am lazy sportist, even now I'm not much better, but compared to myself before this week challenge - this is brand new me! :-)
And if I did it, everyone can! I they can everything!
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