Online biblioteke :-)
Online biblioteke :-)
»Кад једном спознамо истину, безусловно морамо живети у њој и борити се за њу, а по сваку цену се клонити слатког препуштања илузијама. Све и ако се у једном тренутку хоризонт чини мрачан да мрачнији не може бити, не сме се заборавити да је победа у можда неминовно далекој будућности наша и да једино наша може бити. Истина самом својом природом руши све препреке: Vincit omnia Veritas.« / Ф. Шуон
“Once we know the truth, we must live in it and fight for it; but what we must avoid at any price is to let ourselves bask in illusions. Even if, at this moment, the horizon seems as dark as possible, one must not forget that in a perhaps unavoidably distant future the victory is ours and cannot but be ours. Truth by its very nature conquers all obstacles:Vincit omnia veritas.“ / F. Schuon
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The Internet Archive, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, is building a digital library of Internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form. Like a paper library, we provide free access to researchers, historians, scholars, the print disabled, and the general public.
LIBRARY FOR ALL: a digital library for the developing world
Unlocking knowledge to those living in poverty by providing access to ebooks and other digital content in low bandwidth communities.
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