Thursday, 25 December 2014

Dan 7! Izazov prihvaćen - Nedelja promene! ☆ ͡ ° ‿ ͡ ° ☆ Day 7! Challenge accepted! Week of change!


I uspela sam!

Danas se navršava  moja nedelja promene, nedelje prihvaćenog izazova da ubacim u svoj život više vežbi  a manje slatkiša , tj bez slatkiša uopšte :-)

I uspela sam! Nisam verovala da ću uspeti, ali sam rešila, pokrenula se i na tome radila! Ponekad je raditi na željenom cilju važnije od početne  vere i samopouzdanja. A samopozdanje je svakako raslo iz dana u dan! Sad je deo nove mene, haha. 
Šalu na stranu, sada znam da mogu i ono što mislim da neću moći, ako odlučim, sa  jasnom namerom i bez suvišnog opterećenja i sumnji. Samo  KRENEM KA ONOME ŠTO HOĆU, ŽELIM, VOLIM!! 

Ono što se čini kao velika stvar na početku, ono što menjamo ili  pokrećemo, to vremenom postane za nas normalno i uobičajeno tj sastavni deo nas.
Zato sam ja vežbala!  Ne preterano, možda ne i dovoljno, ali mnogo više nego pre nedelje promene.

I nastaviću.

Ono što me posebno raduje je to da su me u vežbanju sledila moja deca i muž. Naše ( roditeljsko)  ponašanje i životni stil su najbolji primer za uticaj na okolinu / decu! Trudim se i trudiću se da uvek bude pozitivan i inspirativan!
U zdravom telu, zdrav duh! I on se osnažio tokom ove nedelje, da nije zbog nedostatka slatkiša?? Hahaha :-)

Nije zbog slatkiša, naravno. Raditi na sebi za mene je zadovoljstvo i ja sam zahvalna Univerzumu koji mi je pokucao na vrata preko mojih prijatelja, Nina i Armanda. Srećom, imala sam dovoljno otvorenu dušu da to čujem i tako nastavim na malo drugačiji način da radim na tome da budem još bolja verzija sebe!

Srećna sam! Divno se osećam i želim to sa vama da podelim! Možda vas i inspirišem da krenete i vi ka nečemu novom i lepom!

Vaša Biljana, Transurfing Balkanka

Ps. I poslednje večeri izazova, moja ćerka je poželela da prvi put napravi palačinke.

Šta mislite, da li sam odolela izazovu? :-)

I did it!

Today ends my Week of change, Week of accepted challenge  I decided to put  into my life: more exercise and fewer sweets, ie without sweets in general :-)

And I did it! I did not believe I would, but I decided, initiated and worked on it! Sometimes to work on the desired goal is more important than to have the initial faith and confidence. Self-esteem was growing from day to day! It is now part of the new me, haha. 
All kidding aside, I know now that I can do the things I thought I  will not be able to. If I choose, with  clear intention, and without the suspicions, I will  get I want and love !! What seems like a big deal at first, what we are changing, launching, it eventually becomes or us normal, customary for us, like an integral part.

So I exercised! Not much, maybe not enough, but much more than before this week of change. And I will continue.

What I am particularly pleased is that in the training I was followed by my kids and a husband. Our behavior and lifestyle is the best example of the impact on the environment! I am trying and I will try to be always positive and inspiring person!

In a healthy body, healthy mind! My mind was strengthened during this week, maybe because of lack of candy ?? Hahaha...

It is not because of candies, of course. Working on myself is a pleasure  to me and I am grateful because Universe knocked on mydoor,   through my friends, Nino and Armando, and I had  open heart sufficiently to hear that and so I will continue to work on it to be even better version of myrself!

I'm happy! I feel wonderful and I want to share this with you! Maybe I will inspire you to search and do something new and beautiful!

Yours Biljana, Transurfing Balkanka

Ps. And the last evening of my week of challenge, my daughter decided to make her first pancakes.
What do you think, did I resist the challenge?

Sunday, 21 December 2014

Dan 3 & 4. Izazov prihvaćen. Nedelja promene! *** Day 3 & 4.: Challenge accepted! Week of change! NO SWEETS & MORE EXERCISE :-)

Volim vikende. Tad se mogu više posvetiti sebi i onima koje najviše volim.
A što je tek neobično kad taj vikend padne na pola nedelje promene, a da ja nisam prekršila nijedno pravilo, nego sam vežbala tri puta duže nego prethodnih dana, i uspela bez slatkiša! Divno
I tako...probudim se u subotu okupana suncem, fantastično raspolozena, puna samopouzdanja, plus 1kg manje - pokaže vaga!!! Jupi ја. Kad vam tako počne dan, sa osmehom na licu i u srcu , tako se  dan i i sledeć sledeći.. Sve je stvar fokusa:-)

Mi sami biramo po čijoj ćemo muzici da igramo. I možemo se voleti i kad nismo iste vrste ( ovo je citat iz crtaća koji smo danas pogledali, nema veze s  postom haha -  Meda Paddington, prepоručujem).

Ja sam bila sportska lenština, ni sad nisam neka vrednica, ali u odnosu na mene pre ovde nedelje izazova – ovo sam druga ja! :-)


I love weekends. Then I can focus more to myself and those I love the most.
It is unusual when the weekend comes in the week of changes, and I did not violated any rules, trained three times longer than in previous days, and that no candy! delightfully
And so ... I wake up on Saturday bathed in sunshine, fantastic mood, full of confidence, plus 1kg less - shows the scale !!! Yay me. When my morning begin with a smile on my face and in my heart,  day continues to be the same... and the next.. next .. Everything is a matter of our focus:-)

We choose to whose music we will dance. And we can love each other even thought  we arenot the same species (this is a quote from the movie that we looked  today, nothing to do with this post hahah - Paddington Bear, I recommend ).
I am lazy sportist, even now I'm not  much better, but compared to myself  before  this week challenge - this is brand new me! :-)
And if I did it, everyone can! I they can everything!

Friday, 19 December 2014

Dan 2. Izazov prihvaćen. Nedelja promene! *** Day 2: Challenge accepted! Week of change! NO SWEETS & MORE EXERCISE :-)

Dan 2. Izazov prihvaćen. Nedelja promene! ***
Day 2: Challenge accepted! Week of  change!

Kad počinjem sa nečim novim i izazovnim, odradim nešto posebno, simbolično,  kao neki mali ritual za sreću! Zato sam juče, za prvi dan  moje nedelje izazova i promene, obukla crveno  - na radost.
A  i volim tu boju!
Ali  promena zahteva  odlučnost!
A ja sam bila itekako odluč 100 %..90..tu negde  ;-)
A tako je bilo lako naći izgovore. ALI..
"Ti to možeš, nemoj samo da sve vreme misliš o slatkišima. Čitaj knjigu!"
To mi je moj prijatelj Armando rekao, kad sam pokušala da ga nagovorim da uzmem samo jedan maaali malecki slatkiš posle ručka. Neki zdravi!
Nisam uspela da ga ubedim. Srećom :-)
I rešila sam da budem dobra devojka. I rekla sam NE slatkišima -definitivno!
I radila sam vežbe!!!
Probudilo me sunce jutros. I ono je bilo ponosno na  mene, baš kao i ja!
Bila sam tako srećna i puna  energije! I nisam ni  razmišljala o slatkišima.
Sve je u našoj glavi.
Potrebno je samo da se fokusiramo na ono što želimo da postignemo, bez nepotrebnih izgovora zašto nešto ne može biti  urađeno. Jer sve  može biti urađeno i mi možemo postići ono što ZAISTA hoćemo!
Jasna namera  i akcija! Samo je to potrebno!
Idemo  na dan  3!


When I am starting something new and challenging, I do something symbolic,for good luck!
So yesterday I wore red things - that brings success;-) And i love that color.
But change requires determination!
And I was not determined completely!
It was so easy to find an excuse. BUT...
"You can do it, just don't think about sweets all the time! Read a book"
That is what my friend Armando told me, when i wanted to take just a little candy after lunch, on the first day of my Challenge week - NO SWEETS & MORE EXERCISE :-)
I tried to persuade him...Didn't work, haha.
So, I decided to be a good girl. I said NO to sweets - definitely :-)
And I did some exercises.
This morning, I wake up so proud of myself :-)
I felt so happy and full of energy. I did not even think about sweets hole day.
We just need to focus on the goal we want to achieve, not on excuses, why it can not be done. Cause IT CAN BE DONE AND WE CAN DO IT IF WE TRULY WANT SOMETHING.

The clear intention and action! Only this is necessary!
Let's go to day 3!

Thursday, 18 December 2014

Dan 1. Izazov prihvaćen. Nedelja promene! *** Day 1: Challenge accepted! Week of change!

Ja mislim da ništa nije slučajno. Sinhroniciteti su ipak vrlo pažljivo orkestrirani od strane Univerzuma. 

Univerzum će iskoristiti svaku priliku i sredstvo da komunicira sa nama i od naše otvorenosti zavisi da li ćemo uspeti da razumemo sve što nam se poručuje!

I to se meni juče desilo. Na fejsbooku! Pa neka neko kaže posle da je to uzalud potrošeno vreme,haha.

U  isto vreme dobila  sam preporuku  za vežbe sa jednog kraja sveta,by Nino, koji se potrudio da  meni i svim damama napiše odličan tekst na tu temu:, a izazov mi je poslat sa drugog kraja sveta i sastojao se u tome da jednu nedelju kažem NE“ slatkišima i krenem sa vežbama svaki dan.
Izazivač je to posle objavio i svetu:  “Nope, not me, but @Bibiliemili has accepted the challenge to say "Nah" to sweets and instead do some exercise, for a whole week! How amazing is that :-)”, Write a short message each day on how it went, so everybody can follow it and be inspired , Armando Lüscher
U isto vreme, ljudi. To je bio ZNAK!
I Ja, jedna sportska lenština i ljubitelj slatkiša, rekla sam DA izazovu!
I krenula sam danas! I uspela sam, jupi ja!
I priznajem, krizirala sam, haha, jer  tako volim da ostavim najslađe za kraj i pojedem slatkiš posle ručka. Uvek sam to volela. Kod nas se kaže, kao šlag na tortu!  Volim to i dalje!
Ali glas razuma,koji nije bio u mojoj glavi, vec se prikazao kroz reči mojih fejs prijatelja, napred  navedenih, haha, rekao mi je YOU  CAN DO IT!
Nije bilo slatkiša ( kafu sa aromom čokolade ne računam hihi ) a sad me čeka fitnes orbitrek.
Trenažer imam kod kuće, al je do sada uglavnom samo krasio dnevnu sobu. Idem...jedan, dva, bar petnaest minuta!
Wish me luck i sledećih 6 dana
I, ko je spreman da prihvati izazov? :-)

Day 1: Challenge accepted! Week of change!

I think that nothing is accidental. Synchronicities are still very carefully orchestrated by the Universe.

The universe will take advantage of every opportunity and the means to communicate with us and of our openness depends on whether we will be able to understand all we can say!

And it happened to me yesterday. On facebook! So, is it wasted time to be on social network, haha.

At the same time I got a recommendation for exercise from one end of the world, by Nino, who has made an effort for me and all the ladies to write an excellent article on the subject: Body-for-women-by-nino.html, and the challenge was sent to me from another part of the world and consisted in the fact that  for one week I have to say  "NO" to  sweets and go with the exercises every day.

The challenger published itworldwide, "Nope, not me, butBibiliemili has accepted the challenge to say" nah "to sweets and instead do some exercise, for a whole week! How amazing is that:-) "Armando Lüscher

At the same time, people. It was a sign!

And I, so lazy for sport and a candy fan, said YES the challenge! I've started today! And I did it, yippie! I admit, it was critical, haha, because I love to take sweets after lunch. To save the best for last ;-). I've always loved it. Still do!

But the voice of reason, which was not in my head, but on display in chat with my friends, mentioned above, told me YOU CAN DO IT! And I DID IT!

There was no candy (coffee flavored with chocolate does not count hihi) and now I am preparing for fitness orbitrek. I have it at my home, but so far not used that much . I'm starting... one, two, three, at least for fifteen minutes! Wish me luck in the next 6 days :-)
Who is with me?


Vježbe za kexy tijelo (for žene) by Nino Komušar

Vjerojatno svaka žena u nekom periodu svog života želi izgledati sexy u svojim pa i u tuđim očima. E sad što je to sexy? Što muškarci vole kod žena i na što se trebate fokusirati da bi bile sexy, zgodne i zanimljive suprotnom ili istom spolu :) Budući da su ukusi različiti: nekom muškarcu možete biti privlačne i ako imate 30 kg viška i ako imate 20 kila manjka tako da ovo sve sto sam dosad napisao uopće nema smisla ;))

Anyway moderna žena misli da je sexy ono što vidi na tv-u, a to su utegnute guze, vitka linija i tako dalje.. pogledajte si reprizu baywatch-a ako niste sigurni o čemu pišem..

Uglavnom pod broj 1 bi bile neke kardio vježbe.. to su vam one di srce ubrzano pumpa krv i onda ubrza cijeli metabolizam, pa započne proces topljenja masti, pa nakon toga nabustate kondiciju dobite na izdrzljivosti, niste umorni jer imate snage. Uglavnom od tih vježbi budete vitki i fit sa posebnim naglaskom na fit ;)
Tu ima brdo izbora, možete ili hodati onako malo žustrije ili trčati ili voziti bicikl ili jašiti po orbitreku ili po nekoj drugoj kardio spravi, možete preskakati uže (troši najviše kalorija od svih kardio vježbi i smijesno jeftino;) ili otići na službenu stranicu Shaun T-ja ili Jillian Michaels a to vam je ( skinete bilo koji video, upalite ga na TV-u ili kompu i hopsate tamo s njima.. stvar funkcionira - znači izbor je na vama sto ce te raditi..

Pod broj 2 su vježbe za guzu.. vjerojatno svaka žena želi imati čvrstu guzu. Ima pregršt vježbi od kojih ću napisati samo jednu koja je kraljica svih vježbi, a to je squat aka čučanj.. ta vježba gradi ne samo guzu nego cijelo tijelo znači i leđa i trbušne i noge  i ramena i prsa.. možete ju raditi bez utega ili sa utezima (sa utezima je napredak brži ;) evo vam link za jubito pa pogledajte na kaj to liči..

To radite progresivno jedan dan 20 komada pa drugi 22 pa treci 25 onako kako možete.. za par tjedana ćete ih moći napraviti po 150 komada. Bitno je da radite pravilno ko u videu, znači morate osjećati da vas boli guza nakon i za vrijeme vježbe ;)

Ovaj sljedeći video je varijata sa utezima puno bolja varijanta - ko ima love nek kupi ravnu šipku i bar 40 kg utega. To radite fino 4 serije po 12-15 ponavljanja i garantiram vam za 2 mjeseca ćete imati „savršenu“ guzu i jako tijelo. Pod jako ne mislim da ćete izgledati ko bilderi nego ćete ojačati leđa, noge i sve ono ostalo sto sam napisao ranije.

Pod broj 3 vježbe za prsa i ruke, popularni sklekovi ;) To vjerojatno svi znate kako se radi i vjerojatno nema potrebe da stavljam link za jubito.. ono što možda ne znate je da  sklekovima možete povećati veličinu grudi jerbo napravite sloj mišića na prsima pa vam automatski i one narastu ;) ali možete i staviti pushup grudnjak i preskocite tu vježbu - izbor je na vama :) ako ipak zelite prirodno povecati grudi onda ženske na pod i radite sklekove, a naprednija i bolja varijata bi bila da radite bench press no za to vam treba bench klupa ili članstvo u nekoj teretani.. ako će koja od vas raditi squat(čučanj) sa šipkom i utezima onda si joj dokupite i klupu pa imate sve doma i vježbate kad želite..

E sad fokus na ruke.. ako imate problema sa onim visećim krilima na rukama najbrže ćete to eliminirati ovom prejednostavnom vježbom the chair dip ;)
Evo video

Znači običan stolac i radite ovu vježbu. Radite bar 4 serije do otkaza znači koliko god možete.. to će vam izgraditi tricepse, ruke ce vam se popuniti i neće vam nigdje ništa „visiti“ ;) ruke naravno mozete lijepo oblikovati i sa sklekovima, ali tko ne može napraviti niti jedan sklek neka krene sa ovom vjezbom i onda fino kombinirajte chair dip i skleks i ruke vam budu tip top..
možete ruke izvježbati i utezima ima brojnih vježbi za to najučinkovitija je skull crushers od toga meni tricepsi ne da rastu nego bujaju ;))

jbg ko nema utege ili si ih nemozete priuštiti onda chair dip i skleks i fiju..

Da bi napravile ove vježbe za guzu i prsa/ruke treba vam 15-20  minuta vremena.. i to se radi 3-4x tjedno, a sad ako nemate 20min onda vježbajte samo ono gdje znate da ste „tanki“ preporučam vam nakon vježbi za guzu/ruke/prsa da nabacite neki kardio to je ono pod broj 1 ;))

good luck and have fun ;)

 Nino Komušar

Monday, 8 December 2014

Be nice to yourself

Promise me this :-)

What To Do When You Don’t Know What to Do?

"Even the smallest thing seems big when you don’t know what to do about it. Doing nothing is not the right thing to do. It’s exhausting, it’s frustrating, and it’s totally and utterly unproductive.And the only thing that makes it stop? Is to just decide and do something. To just do anything.

Stop thinking it through. Stop making up what might happen. Because that’s what’s happening here, you’re just making it up. Just make the decision instead and enjoy the ride. 

And the only way to know what to do? Well actually, there is no answer to that one.

Other than to not worry about worrying. To not feel anxious about feeling anxious. To accept that sometimes there is no right answer.

To breathe. To try to feel beyond the worry, to try to feel the answer rather than (over) think it.

To stop trying to second-guess every possible outcome of every possible decision. To stop trying to control and account for every accountability. It just isn’t possible.

To trust."


full text:

“He who deliberates fully before taking a step will spend his entire life on one leg.” ~Chinese Proverb
Here’s the thing: I don’t know what to do.
About this thing, about that thing. About big things and small things.
About anything.
Actually, to be honest, even the smallest thing seems big when I don’t know what to do about it. The state of “not knowing what to do” is like some kind of Miracle Grow for small things in my mind.
This is not a new thing. Not knowing what to do is a particular and well-honed talent of mine. I can even juggle several not knowing what-to-dos at once.
For example, at the moment I don’t know whether to go away with my friends this weekend or not. And if I do will I take the train? Or get a lift?
I don’t know whether to take that new job. And if I do, when should I start it? What about all those other job offers that will flood through the door the minute I say yes to this one?
I don’t know whether to start the diet tomorrow. Or today. Or next week. Or not at all. I don’t know whether to call my counselor or ride this one out alone.
I don’t know what is best, what is right. I don’t know what I want to do.
Do you know what else I don’t know? I don’t know what to do about not knowing what to do.
And whenever I feel like this (which is not always, but often), I start not knowing what to do about things Idid know what to do about before. Things I had already made decisions on, things I felt excited and sure about before, now feel wobbly and wrong. Even though I know the decisions felt right when I made them.
My brain starts questioning it all: What if I didn’t really know what to do then either, and just decided on something that wasn’t really the right thing to do after all? What if it turns out to be “wrong”? What if I acted on impulse and didn’t think it all through properly?
It’s like I’m mourning all the other possible options that will never, ever happen now because I didn’t choose them.
The little voice in my head chides me: If you choose option a, then such and such might happen, which could lead to x and then that may mean y. Had I known in the beginning about y, maybe I wouldn’t have chosen that original thing. Or would I? How do I know? 
And this uncertainty, the worry, the anxiety, the not knowing, it isn’t picky. It doesn’t just stick to the thing I’m not sure about. It leaks. It seeps into everything else, so instead of feeling uncertain or anxious about one thing in particular, about one decision specifically, I feel anxious, uncertain, and worried full stop. I forget what started it. I just feel it.
I feel it in my chest, near my heart. In my throat. It feels like guilt, muddled with regret, with overtones of panic and an undercurrent of fear. It feels hard and cold, like a vice-like grip.
And I don’t like it. But I just don’t know what to do about it. So I do nothing. Except worry and be anxious that doing nothing is not the right thing to do. It’s exhausting, it’s frustrating, and it’s totally and utterly unproductive.
And the only thing that makes it stop? Is to just decide and do something. To just do anything.
And the only way to know what to do? Well actually, there is no answer to that one.
Other than to not worry about worrying. To not feel anxious about feeling anxious. To accept that there is no right answer.
To breathe. To try to feel beyond the worry, to try to feel the answer rather than (over) think it.
To stop trying to second-guess every possible outcome of every possible decision. To stop trying to control and account for every accountability. It just isn’t possible.
To trust.
I can’t know what will happen. I can’t know how I will feel about any of it. I can’t know whether the decision I make is any better or worse than any other decision I could have made because I am only ever going to experience the one path I do choose.
So I can only react with what I have, what I know, and how I feel, right here and right now. And I don’t need to know how to do that; I just need to do it. I just need to allow it to happen.
Back to my decisions. Well, I still don’t know what to do. I still don’t know what the “right” thing is.
But maybe that’s not so much of a problem after all.
Because I do know what the wrong thing is. And that’s to make no decision at all. Even if the decision I make is not to decide just yet—that is still a decision. Own it.
A friend once said to me, “Whenever the time is right, it will be the right time.” It helps me relax about my decisions.
I often wonder: Am I the only one like this? I don’t know that either, but if you’re with me:
Stop thinking it through. Stop making up what might happen. Because that’s what’s happening here, you’re just making it up. Just make the decision instead and enjoy the ride. Whatever it turns out to be, it doesn’t really matter—you can change it later if you really have to.
Whatever the decision is, just make it. What’s the worst that can happen, really?
Just make the decision and then be glad you did. Enjoy the freedom and the relief that follows.
Enjoy the present, indecision free. Because while you’re busy worrying about what might happen tomorrow, guess what? You’re missing out on all the great stuff happening today.
So just decide. Just relax.
Want to know the good news? The decision thing is just as leaky as the indecision thing.
Once I get going again, I know there’ll be no stopping me. I’ll breeze through decisions that floored me before. I’ll put those small things back in their place. And if it feels wrong, I’ll change it. I won’t worry about it. Things that felt a bit wrong and weird before just won’t matter anymore.
I won’t know where this whole confident, decision making thing came from. I’ll just feel it.
I’ll feel it in my chest, near my heart. It will feel like contentment, embracing joy, tickled with peace and flavored with lightness. It will feel soft and warm, like molten honey trickling through my veins. It will make me smile.
And I will love it. And I will do all I can to hold on to it.
That I do know.
So let’s just get started. Let’s just relax. Let’s just decide. And let’s never look back.
Photo by J. Tegnerud

Friday, 28 November 2014

Soul Mates

What if everyone actually had only one soul mate, a random person somewhere in the world?

—Benjamin Staffin
What a nightmare that would be.
There are a lot of problems with the concept of a single random soul mate. As Tim Minchin put it in his song If I Didn’t Have You:
Your love is one in a million
You couldn’t buy it at any price.
But of the 9.999 hundred thousand other loves,
Statistically, some of them would be equally nice.
But what if we did have one randomly-assigned perfect soul mate, and we couldn’t be happy with anyone else? Would we find each other?
We’ll assume your soul mate is set at birth. You know nothing about who or where they are, but—as in the romantic cliché—you’ll recognize each other the moment your eyes meet.
Right away, this raises a few questions. For starters, is your soul mate even still alive? A hundred billion or so humans have ever lived, but only seven billion are alive now (which gives the human condition a 93% mortality rate). If we’re all paired up at random, 90% of our soul mates are long dead.

That sounds horrible. But wait, it gets worse: A simple argument shows we can’t just limit ourselves to past humans; we have to include an unknown number of future humans as well. See, if it’s possible for your soul mate to be in the distant past, then it also has to be possible for soul mates to be in the distant future. After all, your soul mate’s soul mate is.
So let’s assume your soul mate lives at the same time as you. Furthermore, to keep things from getting creepy, we’ll assume they’re within a few years of your age. (This is stricter than the standard age gap creepiness formula, but if we assume a 30-year-old and a 40-year-old can be soul mates, then the creepiness rule is violated if they accidentally meet 15 years earlier.) With the same-age restriction, most of us have a pool of around half a billion potential matches.
But what about gender and sexual orientation? And culture? And language? We could keep using demographics to try to break things down further, but we’d be drifting away from the idea of a random soul mate. In our scenario, you don’t know anything about who your soul mate will be until you look into their eyes. Everybody has only one orientation—toward their soul mate.
The odds of running into your soul mate are incredibly small. The number of strangers we make eye contact with each day is hard to estimate. It can vary from almost none (shut-ins or people in small towns) to many thousands (a police officer in Times Square). Let’s suppose you lock eyes with an average of a few dozen new strangers each day. (I’m pretty introverted, so for me that’s definitely a generous estimate.) If 10% of them are close to your age, that’s around 50,000 people in a lifetime. Given that you have 500,000,000 potential soul mates, it means you’ll only find true love in one lifetime out of ten thousand.

But with the threat of dying alone looming so imminently, society could restructure to try to enable as much eye contact as possible. We could put together massive conveyer belts to move lines of people past each other …

... but if the eye contact effect works over webcams, we could just use a modified version of ChatRoulette.

If everyone used the system for eight hours a day, seven days a week, and if it takes you a couple seconds to decide if someone’s your soul mate, this system could—in theory—match everyone up with their soul mates in a few decades. (I modeled a few simple systems to estimate how quickly people would pair off and drop out of the singles pool. If you want to try to work through the math for a particular setup, you might start by looking at derangement problems.)
In the real world, many people have trouble finding any time at all for romance—few could devote two decades to it. So maybe only rich kids would be able to afford to sit around on SoulMateRoulette. Unfortunately for the proverbial 1%, most of their soul mates are to be found in the other 99%. If only 1% of people use the service, then 1% of that 1% would find their match through this system—one in ten thousand.
The other 99% of the 1% (“We are the zero point nine nine percent!”) would have an incentive to get more people into the system. They might sponsor projects akin to One Laptop Per Child (but with a sleazier vibe). Careers like “cashier” and “police officer in Times Square” would become high-status prizes because of the eye contact potential. People would flock to cities and public gathering places to find love—just as they do now.
But even if a bunch of us spent years on SoulMateRoulette, another bunch of us managed to hold jobs that offered constant eye contact with strangers, and the rest of us just hoped for luck, only a small minority of us would ever find true love. The rest of us would be out of luck.
Given all the stress and pressure, some people would fake it. They’d want to join the club, so they’d get together with another lonely person and stage a fake soul mate encounter. They’d marry, hide their relationship problems, and struggle to present a happy face to their friends and family. (Of course, this never happens in our world.)
All in all, the world of random soul mates is an even lonelier one than ours. I prefer Tim Minchin’s take on things:
With all my heart and all my mind I know one thing is true:
I have just one life and just one love and, my love, that love is you.
And if it wasn't for you, baby,
I really think that I would
have somebody else.

Thursday, 27 November 2014

Winnie the Pooh’s wise words on transcending meditation

winnie the pooh meditationHere’s Winnie the Pooh – describing the experience of the transcendental and affirming that anyone can experience it without much effort  :)
“Sometimes, if you stand on the bottom rail of a bridge and lean over to watch the river slipping slowly away beneath you, you suddenly know everything there is to be known.”
Winnie The pooh meditation quotes

“Don’t underestimate the value of Doing Nothing, of just going along, listening to all the things you can’t hear, and not bothering.”
“Did you ever stop to think, and forget to start again?”

“People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.”

Meditation- create health and well-being.


Brenda Lyons

Welcome to the Meditation page, a guide to help you create and develop your personal meditation practice and routine.
Many people commonly hold the image of meditation as focused on clearing the mind, holding certain seated positions, chanting "om's" and transcending the body. 

With Druidry meditation is more focused on the following
  • The connection of body,mind,emotions and spirit.
  • Deepening our awareness and connection to our body
  • Strengthening our sense of connection to nature and the natural world
  • Embracing/integrating emotions  and more richness in life 
To begin lets explore some of the ways meditation works and also the basics to make sure you get the best out of your experience.

How Meditation works

Our thoughts, feelings, body and actions are all influenced by each other and are inter-related as the image below depicts.

Our brain is a complex muscle and like all  muscles can become stressed, unwell or tight. Often stress is a core root of most ailments and modern problems , the constant mental chatter and worry over things, people and  emotions is something most people can relate to. You are probably feeling tense even reading this!

Most people say that its hard to find the "off switch" in their head, they feel that their body is tense or  as if they are purely "reacting" to life ,rather than fully  living it.
Meditation can help change this by creating "mind strength" which is one of the most empowering tools we can employ to impact and improve all aspects of life.

By learning to relax our body through breathing and focus our mind on peaceful or enjoyable images ,we begin to unwind and our emotions become soothed. We actually change the way our mind functions with meditation, enabling  us to move from higher frequency brain waves to lower frequency and calm the mind.

Slower wavelengths mean more time between thoughts, which means more opportunity to skillfully choose which thoughts you invest.
The following is an article on the scientific studies that support the incredible benefits of regular meditation

How to meditate.

The breath and mind work in tandem, so as breath begins to lengthen, brain waves begin to calm and slow down, but also the body responds by relaxing. There is no failure or success in meditation as it is a skill we learn to develop over consistent practice.

  • Make sure you are warm, place some  relaxing music on, incense etc
  • To begin the meditation,become comfortable, close your eyes, and eliminate as many interruptions as possible to ensure you can fully relax.
  • Watch your breath. Simply notice your breath flowing in. Flowing out. Don’t try to change it in any way. Just notice.
  • Silently repeat the mantra: “Breathing In. Breathing Out.” As your mind begins to wander, draw it back to your breath. Notice that as your breath begins to lengthen and fill your body, your mind begins to calm.
  • Become aware of your body and slowly working from head to toe/toe to head focus and relax each muscle,joint, fibre of you body.
  • You may wish to visualize a golden or coloured light filling your body as you do this
  • Any thoughts , notice them and allow them to flow away/breath them out.
  • Consistency is key.
  • Either follow a visualisation/mantra/chant or allow this time for contemplation
  • When you are finished take your time before you move or doing anything
  • Short regular meditation sessions are much more beneficial than irregular or long.

Tips and tools.

  • Choose a position you are comfortable in and ensure you are warm.
  • Turn of phones etc so you are not disturbed. Create ambience with music, a favourite pillow/blanket,candles, scents etc 
  • Short and regular are the best practice
  • Thoughts do pop into our head and allow these to flow past or refocus on your breathing
  • If you find following imagery difficult instead focus on the sensations or awareness's. 
  • People can sometimes get "lost" and in this case refocus on your breathing and follow from where you can.
  • Meditation can be for creating uplifting feelings and energizing
  • Themes of meditation can include - compassion,de-stressing, self esteem, chakra's, reducing pain/discomfort, health, spirituality, problem solving etc
  • With time meditation can be in silence and without imagery but choose what you are happiest with, not what is "expected"
  • Meditation can be moving or focused on an activity such as walking, eating etc.
  • Make it a time for self nourishment and care! 
Music link for meditation tracks .

Guided Meditations